3 Things That You Should Incorporate Into Your Writing

Did you know? What are the things that make a story captivating? What effective writing skills can help students write on a topic that stands out in their class.

To help you, here I have put together 3 pointers that you should use in your writing:

  1. Show-not-Tell: Follow show-not-tell criteria in your story. For example: What character takes action when they face a certain situation? To tackle English model composition, students should know how to describe the characters’ expressions and tone of speech.

  2. Use vivid character descriptions: To score good marks in composition, students should use vivid character descriptions in their stories. Perfectly explained characters give ideas about how they will impact the story and move the story forward.

  3. A Powerful Setting Description: In this section, students should explain the time and space where the story starts. Depict the characters’ emotions in your story. Example: What potential conflict happens in cramped space. How they display their frustration.

If you need assistance in tackling the above-given steps, then you can join Write Edge’s English model composition class.


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