Essential Elements for English Composition Writing

Have you ever read an English Model Composition like this and wondered, “How can I write like that?” or, “What makes a piece of writing Model-Composition-worthy?”? This quick guide will walk you through the ingredients of a typical English composition, and what you should include in each section. English Model Composition Essential Elements of Primary School English Composition Writing: 1. Introduction Your introduction is the first thing your reader’s eyes land on when they begin reading your composition. It eases your reader into the world you’ve created, urging them to read on and to find out what happens next. Because of this, your introduction needs to: Capture your reader’s attention Set the context or setting in which your story evolves Map out how your story relates to the given topic Story Starters are one of the best ways to begin your story in a captivating way without sounding too abrupt. They also help you to paint the setting of your story naturally. Here are two c...