5 Creative Writing Techniques For Effective Writing Communication Skills

Effective writing skills are not only important for students, it is also important in every field such as making reports, responding to clients, making presentations, writing articles for websites and more. Here I have shared 5 creative writing techniques that will help you write effective pieces. 

Creative Writing Class Online Singapore

Read regularly: To be a good writer, you must be a good reader. Reading fluently expands vocabulary and helps you learn grammar, punctuation and writing skills. When you read different books, you will learn different writing styles. Since every book writer has a different way of writing.


Use 5Ws and 1H: Whenever you write on any topic, use the 5Ws and 1H formula (Who, What, Where, When, Why and How). This technique is used by many journalists and writers. This creates a flow in your writing piece.


Be Accurate: Do not use big or complex words in your writing piece. Use short words to make clear and concise sentences. Also, avoid the use of idioms and jargon.


Use Strong Verbs: Try to use the strong verb in your writing piece. Because a verb expresses an action. Verbs make sentences clear and effective.


Avoid Using Too Many Adjectives and Adverbs: Adjectives and adverbs are sometimes important for describing nouns and verbs. But too many adjectives and adverbs can cause confusion to understand your purpose of the topic.


The techniques above are important steps for good writing.


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