5 Writing Exercises That Help You Tackle Creative Writing

As a parent, you might be thinking of - how to tackle the creative writing of your child. Poor and illegible writing skills in a child can lead to low grades, teacher frustration, and diminished self-esteem. If your child has shortcomings in writing - too small or too large a font, a strong slant, poorly readable letters, it's worth working to improve the situation.

Essays, reviews, letters, reports - students practice the entire course in writing. But sometimes. It's important to move away from the usual tasks and dilute the written exercises with something original and challenging. Adopting writing prompts and exercises will keep your writing skills on track. These exercises won't only help in discovering your own style, generating ideas, practising writing in a specific tone, but also teach how to write better. In the following blog, we explain some writing exercises that actually enhance your skills.


Let’s have a look!

Exercises for Practice Creating Writing

Try Freewriting

Freewriting is an effective approach for enhancing thinking abilities. It helps in generating unique thoughts and inspiration without any purpose. So, schedule the time you're comfortable with and start writing anything that first comes to your mind. Whether you want to improve your academic writing or creative writing, freewriting is an exercise that keeps the mind active. It also develops the concentration level of the thought process.

Keep Reading

Whether you love to read the newspaper, novels, or other generic books, reading your favourite materials on a daily basis will automatically generate a spark in the thinking process. Take into account the voice and writing style the author chooses to maintain the readability. Additionally, pay attention to the writer's word choice - do they sound aggressive or evoke a particular feeling? Whether the writer uses a lot of long or descriptive phrasing, it's necessary to determine the style of writing.


Build On a Random Sentence

While writing, you can pick random words or sentences from a book to use them for enhancing the writing appearance. You can also use them to write a short story. This helpful writing exercise won't only make your thinking creative but also provides you with a direction of improving the idea generation and encouraging your own writing.

Edit Another’s Work

Improving effective writing skills means you also have the skills of editing. One of the effective ways is to pick a random blog or article and start proofreading it. Mark all poorly constructed sentences, clichés, passive voice sentences, and wordiness. This will improve your sentence structure and provide more clarity. Hence, exercising your editing skills will make progress in overall writing.


Observe and Write

Start writing on things you watch and imagine stirring up your brain. Whether you're in the park or grocery store and start observing people, what are they doing and thinking? Observation will help in generating thoughts, which determine what directions you can think. This makes you both think and write creatively. So, watch and listen to their flow of dialogue delivery.


The above-mentioned tips will help in improving your creative writing. So, if you’re planning to adopt writing as your career option, start collecting small tips from now for making an improvement. In such a scenario, taking help from experienced tutors at WriteEdge also makes a huge difference in effective writing skills. They know the techniques and strategies to improve your writing.


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